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US official: A US strike targeted an Iraqi militia leader responsible for attacks against our forces

US official A US strike targeted an Iraqi militia leader responsible for attacks against our forces
US official: A US strike targeted an Iraqi militia leader responsible for attacks against our forces

2024-01-04 17:15:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / An American official stated on Wednesday that the United States conducted an airstrike against a commander of a militia responsible for attacks on US forces.

According to Reuters, the official mentioned, "The US military carried out a strike in Baghdad against a leader of an Iraqi faction believed to be responsible for attacks on American forces."

Additionally, The Washington Post quoted a US defense official saying, "American forces and coalition forces in the region have faced around 115 attacks since October 17."

The Baghdad Belt Operations Command of the Popular Mobilization Forces mourned in a statement "Commander Abu Taqwa Al-Sa'idi following a brutal American aggression."

Earlier today, an Iraqi police source reported the death of the military commander within the Al-Nujaba Movement known as "Abu Taqwa," along with one of his companions, in an airstrike targeting a headquarters of the mobilization forces in eastern Baghdad.

Moreover, an earlier statement from a responsible security source mentioned an unidentified aerial drone strike targeting a headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces in the eastern part of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

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