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Iraq and Kurdistan agree on economic coordination, set key decisions

Iraq and Kurdistan agree on economic coordination, set key decisions
Iraq and Kurdistan agree on economic coordination, set key decisions

2024-09-09 00:10:05 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Sunday, Iraq's Ministerial Council for Economy announced a series ofdecisions following its meeting with the Economic Ministerial Council of theKurdistan Regional Government (KRG), aiming to enhance economic coordinationbetween the two governments.

In astatement, the council said it had approved agreements reached by jointcommittees between the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the KRG'sMinistry of Industry and Trade. "The agreements will be implemented oncethey receive final approval from the respective ministers and are ratified bythe Federal Cabinet."

The councilalso decided that both the Federal Ministry of Trade and the KRG should takethe necessary steps to establish electronic links and create a unified systemfor import and export licenses, as well as the exchange of data. "Thiseffort includes harmonizing the registration procedures for companies andfactories between the two governments."

Additionally,the council directed the completion of electronic automation for Iraq's rationcard system, which will now include the Kurdistan Region.

A jointtechnical committee was established to deliver its recommendations within amonth. "The committee will focus on standardizing procedures forevaluating and certifying goods entering Iraq, aligning mechanisms forimporting and exporting gold and precious metals, and unifying regulations forcontractor classification."

During themeeting, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Tamimemphasized the importance of collective efforts to ensure the success of Iraq'sforthcoming general population census, which he described as crucial fordevelopment. He noted that the census results would play a key role inadvancing the country's developmental agenda and addressing various technicalissues, such as population statistics and parliamentary representation.

"BothBaghdad and Erbil agreed to work together to prepare the logistical, technical,and human resources needed to conduct the census across all regions ofIraq."

The councilalso decided to continue holding technical meetings and established fourworking groups to focus on different sectors: finance and planning, oil andenergy, trade and agriculture, and labor and social affairs. "These groupsare expected to finalize their work by the end of the day and present theirrecommendations to the Economic Ministerial Council during its next meeting inErbil tomorrow," according to the statement.

Earliertoday, Iraqi Finance Minister Taif Sami stated that the joint meeting betweenthe Federal Government's Economic Ministerial Council and the KurdistanRegion's Economic Council focused on resolving shared financial issues betweenthe two sides.

A statementby the ministry stressed that Key financial issues, including the salaries ofregional employees, the Kurdistan Region's budget, border crossings, andcoordination of customs and tax policies, are "central to stabilizingIraq's economy."

The meeting,hosted in the Kurdistan capital, was attended by KRG Prime Minister, IraqiDeputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Fuad Hussein, KRG Deputy PrimeMinister Qubad Talabani, and other senior officials.