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Kurdistan Justice Group weighs boycotting parliament amid internal divisions

Kurdistan Justice Group weighs boycotting parliament amid internal divisions
Kurdistan Justice Group weighs boycotting parliament amid internal divisions

2024-10-26 13:25:25 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The supreme body of the Islamic Kurdistan JusticeGroup decided to hold a decisive meeting in the city of Al-Sulaymaniyah tomorrow,to discuss the party's position on participating in the Kurdistan Parliament.

Sources told Shafaq News Agency that the meeting aims toreach a final decision regarding a boycott of the sixth session of theKurdistan Parliament, amid varying opinions among members of the Supreme Body.

Members of the supreme body are leaning towards boycottingthe parliament in Kurdistan, while prioritizing their participation in theupcoming Iraqi parliamentary elections, according to sources within the party

The Supreme Commission is expected to issue an officialstatement after the upcoming meeting, clarifying the party's final position andrevealing its next steps in the Iraqi political arena.

The move comes amid escalating disagreements betweenKurdistan's political parties over the effectiveness of the KurdistanParliament and its role in addressing key citizens issues.

The Kurdistan Justice Group won three seats in the electionsfor the sixth session of the Kurdistan-Iraq Parliament, which took place a fewdays ago, after holding seven seats in the previous session.

Earlier this week, Iraqi Presidency called for"respecting the election results and the free will of the people,"reaffirming its support for completing the constitutional and democraticprocess in the Region “to strengthen national unity and fulfill the aspirationsof the people for development, prosperity, and progress.”

Notably, Kurdistan’s sixth Parliamentary elections tookplace on Sunday, where 1,091 candidates competed for 100 seats, five of whichare reserved for minority groups.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has emerged as theleading party with 39 seats, followed by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)with 23 seats, and the New Generation Movement (Al-Jil Al-Jadeed-NGM) securing15 seats.