British Consulate: We have the largest regional diplomatic representation in Kurdistan

Last Update: 2024-02-11 13:30:07 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / Being the largest diplomatic representation in the region, the British Consulate in Kurdistan has confirmed that position, exceeding not only neighboring countries but also several European and Asian countries. It emphasized collaborating on cultural, media, and diplomatic fronts with the Kurdistan Region to increase its presence there.

According to British Consul James Goldman, "the administrative body of the consulate in Kurdistan is the largest among neighboring countries, regional states, and even some European and Asian countries."

"This illustrates our interest in the Kurdistan Region across various levels," he continued, highlighting that "the consulate is engaged in several significant projects in collaboration with the Regional Government (KRG), including cultural, media, and diplomatic initiatives, as well as cooperation in addressing security challenges, especially in counter-terrorism efforts and providing military assistance."

Goldman added that "there are numerous ongoing projects between the consulate and KRG across all cities of Kurdistan, particularly in the fields of culture and archaeology."