President Barzani: A Victory for Us in the Elections is a Victory for All of Kurdistan

Last Update: 2024-10-12 21:05:49 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzaniemphasized on Saturday the importance of the Kurdistan Regional Parliamentelections to renew its legitimacy.

President Barzani said in a speech during a campaign rallyin Duhok, followed by Shafaq News Agency, “I, my brother Masrour Barzani, andthe leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) are gathered here inthis resilient governorate to renew our commitment to Barzani's immortalapproach and record another historic victory for the KDP.”

“These elections are very important for the KDP and all thepeople of Kurdistan,” he added.

The president proceeded, “The elections are crucial to renewthe legitimacy of our institutions and represent a mission for the KDP toachieve victory, as the victory of the KDP is a victory for Kurdistan.” Adding,“The victory of the KDP is a guarantor of the rights of all components ofKurdistan and a guarantee of a brighter future for Kurdistan.”

“The region is filled with complexities, and in such achallenging environment, strong leadership and a strong party are essential,and the KDP, without any doubt, represents that leadership and that party,” henoted.

It is noteworthy that in June, President Barzani issued aRegional decree setting October 20, 2024, as the official date for theKurdistan parliamentary elections.

The October vote is expected to elect 100 new lawmakersrepresenting the governorates of Iraqi Kurdistan: Erbil (34 seats, includingone for Christians and one for Turkmen), Halabja (three seats), Al-Sulaymaniyah(38 seats, including one for Christians and one for Turkmen), and Duhok (25seats, including one for Christians).

According to the Electoral Commission, a total of 1,190candidates are running in the upcoming elections. These candidates aredistributed across two coalitions, 13 parties, and include 85 independents,alongside 39 candidates representing minority groups, forming a total of 139electoral lists.

The overall number of eligible voters amounts to 2,899,878.Of this total, 2,683,618 are registered for general voting, while 215,960 arelisted forspecialvoting.