World: Global Emergency Overview Weekly Picks, 29 May 2019

Last Update: 2019-05-29 00:00:00 - Source: Relief Web

Source: Assessment Capacities Project
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, World

Weekly picks


An escalation of intercommunal tensions between Banyamulenge and Bafuliri ethnicities since 4 May triggered the displacement of 125,000 people to safer villages and forests in Fizi, Uvira and Mwenga territories in Sud Kivu province. Congolese armed forces have stepped up their operations which has contributed to some improvements in the security situation and allowed return movements to commence. IDPs and returnees are in urgent need of food, shelter and NFIs, WASH and health assistance; access is severely limited.

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At least 6,100 acres of agricultural crops have been burned in 136 separate incidents from 8 May to 26 May. 11 governorates have been affected, with more than 50% of the area burnt in Salah al-Din governorate. IS claimed responsibility for setting wheat crops on fire as civilians refused to pay taxes to them. The wheat harvest is ongoing from May to mid-June. Farmers are at risk of losing their annual harvest. Most of the affected areas are within disputed territories where IS has been trying to take advantage of a security vacuum left by Iraqi forces, Shia groups and the Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

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An escalation in fighting in northern Hama, southern Idleb and rural areas of Aleppo displaced at least 200,000 people between 1 and 16 May. The impact on civilians, infrastructure and fields has been devastating; at least three IDP settlements, one refugee camp, 25 schools and 20 health facilities have been affected by a new wave of barrel bomb attacks and artillery strikes. The civilian death toll continues to rise and has likely surpassed 250 people. Access is severely limited, and needs persist across all sectors (especially protection, food, shelter, health and WASH). The northwestern region was declared a demilitarised zone under a deal between Turkey and Russia in September 2018 which aimed to avert a government assault on the area. The Syrian government has stepped up their attacks claiming they have been targeting extremist groups in the area.

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