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Kurdistan Region's October salary rolls may be pushed to next month

Kurdistan Region's October salary rolls may be pushed to next month
Kurdistan Region's October salary rolls may be pushed to next month

2024-10-26 17:10:24 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, informed sources within theKurdistan Region (KRI)'s Ministry of Finance reported that the ministry has yetto send October's payroll lists to Iraq’s Ministry of Finance in Baghdad, whichrequires them for verification before transferring funds to the Region.

The sources told Shafaq News Agency that the payroll listswill be sent later this week. “The delay comes as Iraq’s Ministry of Financebegins auditing the payroll lists, while employees in the Region await theirsalaries.”

The auditing and transfer process from Baghdad to the Regionis expected to take several days once the lists are received, meaning salarypayments for KRI employees may be delayed until early November.

The sources attributed the delay in sending the lists tointernal review processes, adding that “the ministry aims to complete Octobersalary payments by early next month.”

Employees in the Region have faced ongoing delays in monthlysalaries for years. The crisis is rooted in financial issues, including theglobal drop in oil prices and the Kurdish financial burden from the fightagainst ISIS.

Despite the Federal Court's acknowledgment of Baghdad'sobligation to pay salaries regularly, problems with salary distributionpersist, with some attributing these issues to political rather than financialfactors.

The delay has become a chronic issue, impacting residents'daily lives. With many dependent on these salaries for basic needs, frequentdelays have led to significant psychological and social problems.

In response to the delays, employees increasingly resort toborrowing to cover basic needs, exacerbating their debt and adding social andeconomic pressure on themselves and their families.