Turkish airstrikes intensify in Duhok, target PKK positions

Shafaq News/ Intense Turkish airstrikes targeted, onTuesday, Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in the Gara Mountain rangeoverlooking the Al-Amediya district in northern Duhok province, a securitysource reported.
The source told Shafaq News that “the strikes hit hills nearthe village of Raziki. However, no precise information about casualties ormaterial damage caused by the airstrikes is available yet.”
According to the source, the Turkish military has recentlyintensified its operations in the Gara Mountain area, including aerialbombardments and artillery shelling, focusing on locations described asstrategically significant.
“The sites reportedly contain tunnels and caves utilized bythe PKK as fortified bases for launching attacks against Turkish militaryoutposts in the region,” the source added.
On Monday, Turkish security sources revealed that Turkiye'sNational Intelligence Organization (MIT) had “neutralized” two female membersof the PKK in the Hakurk, Kurdistan region.
Turkiye uses the term “neutralize” to indicate that a PKKmember has been killed, injured, or captured.
Notably, since the start of summer 2024, the Turkishmilitary has intensified operations in the region, targeting PKK positions andfortifications in the Matin Mountain range with warplanes and drones. Inresponse, PKK fighters have stayed entrenched in caves and mountain shelters,hindering the success of Turkish operations.
The PKK, designated a terrorist organization by Turkiye, theUnited States, and the European Union, has been engaged in an armed struggleagainst the Turkish state since the 1980s, seeking greater autonomy for theKurdish population in Turkiye. This decades-long conflict has led to tens ofthousands of deaths, with Turkiye conducting cross-border military operationsto target PKK strongholds in Iraq and YPG positions in Syria, both of whichAnkara views as extensions of the PKK.