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KRG condemns Baghdad’s unilateral budget proposal

KRG condemns Baghdad’s unilateral budget proposal
KRG condemns Baghdad’s unilateral budget proposal

2025-01-23 18:15:24 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Thursday,Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) spokesperson Peshawa Hawrami criticized theIraqi federal government for unilaterally submitting a revised budget proposalto Parliament without prior consultation with the KRG.

“The move replaces apreviously agreed-upon draft between the two governments,” he told Shafaq News.

Hawrami explained that despiteextensive meetings and persistent efforts to amend the federal general budgetlaw to enable the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, theagreed draft was unexpectedly altered and presented in a different form at thefinal stage.

He expressed alarm over thefederal government’s unilateral actions. “Submitting a new proposal withoutprior coordination with the KRG or approval by the federal Council of Ministersundermines prior agreements and established protocols,” he said.

“This approach erodes trustand exacerbates Iraq’s crises, diverting attention from finding effectivesolutions.”

Hawrami called for immediatecorrective action. “We firmly reject the revised proposals. The Federal Councilof Ministers must reinstate the agreed-upon draft, approve it, and submit it toParliament for a proper vote,” he stressed.

Notably, Hawrami’s remarksfollowed an announcement by MP Firas Al-Muslmawi, from the State of Law bloc,on January 21, confirming that the Iraqi Parliament had received an amendedversion of the federal budget law from the Baghdad government.