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Top ISIS figure killed: Kurdistan, Iraq clash over credit

Top ISIS figure killed: Kurdistan, Iraq clash over credit
Top ISIS figure killed: Kurdistan, Iraq clash over credit

2025-03-14 22:40:25 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC)slammed Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani on Friday for failing tocredit their pivotal role in the killing of senior ISIS leader Abdullah MakkiMuslih al-Rafiei, also known as Abu Khadijah.

The KRSC pointed out that Rafiei’s death came after"several years of investigation and relying on information from theKurdistan Region Security Council, in coordination with the coalition and laterwith Iraqi federal forces." The council made it clear, saying, “Our forceswere integral to this operation. Without our efforts, this significantachievement would not have been possible.”

Earlier today, al-Sudani announced that Iraqi intelligence,with coalition support, had carried out the operation targeting Rafiei. In apost on X, al-Sudani labeled Rafiei “one of the most dangerous terrorists inIraq and the world,” but gave no specifics on when or where the operation tookplace. He added, “This operation is a key victory in the fight against terrorism.”

The KRSC was quick to respond, expressing frustration overthe lack of recognition. "This oversight could jeopardize futurecooperation between regional and federal security forces," they said."We have been essential in the fight against ISIS, and we expect ourcontributions to be acknowledged."

Meanwhile, the Joint Operations Command provided new detailsabout the remaining ISIS leadership in Iraq, highlighting the closecoordination with the Asayish and the KRSC in hunting down the remnants of theterrorist group.

During a joint press conference with intelligence andcounterterrorism agencies, Lieutenant General Qais al-Mohamadi, commander ofthe Joint Operations Command, underscored the success of recent operations."This year has seen extraordinary cooperation with our Kurdishcounterparts. Their intelligence-sharing has been critical in dismantling ISISin the region," he said.

Al-Mohamadi also confirmed that the previous day’s operationled to the elimination of Abdullah Maki, also known as Abu Khadijah, a seniorfigure in ISIS. "Abu Khadijah is one of the most wanted and dangerousterrorist leaders," he stated, adding that his death is a major blow tothe group’s operations in both Iraq and Syria.

The commander explained that while previous operations lastyear had taken out several key terrorist figures, Abu Khadijah had evadedcapture until now. "He slipped through our grasp before, but ourintelligence team finally tracked down his associates in Kirkuk, leading tothis successful strike," al-Mohamadi said.

This operation highlights the ongoing collaboration betweenIraq and the Kurdistan Region in the battle against ISIS, with both sidesplaying a crucial role in dismantling the terrorist group’s remaining networks.As al-Mohamadi concluded, "We will continue our joint efforts to ensureISIS is fully eradicated from Iraq."