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Iran: 7 arrested for anti-regime activities “covered by Nowruz celebrations”

Iran: 7 arrested for anti-regime activities “covered by Nowruz celebrations”
Iran: 7 arrested for anti-regime activities “covered by Nowruz celebrations”

2025-03-24 00:05:24 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Sevenindividuals involved in organizing Nowruz celebrations in western Iran werearrested, accused of exploiting the occasion to carry out activities"against the regime,” the public prosecutor of Kurdistan province inwestern Iran, Mohammad Jabbari announced on Sunday.

Ina statement to Iranian state media, Jabbari highlighted that judicialauthorities had developed a plan to counter "any activities believed touse Nowruz celebrations as a cover for organizing anti-regime actions orinciting disturbances."

Jabbarifurther accused the detainees of having "organizational and partisanconnections," claiming that some of the activities were directed andsupported by opposition groups.

Itis worth noting that Nowruz holds a special cultural and symbolic significancefor Kurds, with celebrations beginning several days before the new year. Theholiday is a major occasion for public gatherings in various Kurdish regions.