Iraq: IOM Iraq: Cash Feasibility Assessment, January 2019
IOM Iraq commissioned the Cash Feasibility Assessment with the main objective to evaluate to what extent the context in Iraq is conducive to CBIs, what are lessons learned from current CBIs and identify recommendations for future IOM programming.
More specifically this assessment will review assess market access and capacity to meet increased demands/ cash injection, review the political context and existing cash operational environment (including previous experiences and lessons learned with CBI), analyze risks, benefits, challenges and cost-efficiency gains of cash assistance (including beneficiary protection considerations), outline optimal cash delivery mechanisms and FSPs in view of initiating and scaling-up CBI in Iraq. The methodology of the assessment included:
• Desk review of IOM Iraq’s emergency response, IOM’s and partners’ CBI in country, donor policies and national strategies on cash and World Bank and Government related Social Protection/ Safety Nets.
• Field missions to Fallujah, Anbar and Mosul (East and West), Ninewa to meet camp management, IDP households, IOM Field Teams and observe vendors and beneficiaries’ purchase behaviour.
• Key informant interviews (KII) with: (1) IOM (2) External Stakeholders including CWG/ MPCA and NFI/ Shelter Clusters, UN agencies, INGOs, and CCI, (3) Members of beneficiary community in Fallujah and East/ West Mosul, (4) Market traders that provide NFI and Shelter materials, (5) FSPs.