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Kurdish PM Barzani: Kurdistan faces 'unjust policies,' Iraqis endure 'bad conditions'

Kurdish PM Barzani: Kurdistan faces 'unjust policies,' Iraqis endure 'bad conditions'
Kurdish PM Barzani: Kurdistan faces 'unjust policies,' Iraqis endure 'bad conditions'

2024-09-04 16:25:05 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, KurdistanRegional Government (KRG) PM Masrour Barzani expressed disappointment over whathe described as "unfair policies" directed against the Region by certaininfluential figures in Iraq.

His remarks came during a ceremonyhonoring investors organized by the Kurdistan Investment Board.

Barzani acknowledged that the Regionhas faced significant financial difficulties in recent years. However, hepraised “people's resilience, which has been crucial in overcoming thesechallenges.”

Furthermore, he reiterated Kurdistan’scommitment to developing a robust economic infrastructure. “We hope forparallel development across other parts of Iraq.”

Despite Iraq's substantial natural,human, and material resources, Barzani criticized the country’s management,which he claimed has led to “bad living conditions for many Iraqis who do notbenefit from the nation's wealth.”

“The service sector in Iraq is also bad.”

The Kurdish PM lamented that the Regionhas suffered from "unjust" policies from certain individuals,emphasizing that “fair treatment of Kurdistan would benefit all of Iraq.”