Iraq's oil exports exceeded 108 million barrels in August
Shafaq News/ Iraq's oil exports in Augustsurpassed 108 million barrels, the Iraqi Economic Observatory revealed onTuesday.
According to a statement from the Observatory,the Ministry of Oil has been delayed in releasing initial data on Iraqi oilexports, which were previously announced at the beginning of each month. Theministry has also not provided the average price per barrel of Iraqi oil in itsfinal reports.
The observatory's preliminary data indicatesthat Iraq exported approximately 108 million barrels in August, averaging 3.47million barrels per day.
“China was the largest recipient of Iraqi oil,accounting for 42% of August's total exports, with over 45.3 million barrels.India followed with 24% of the total, importing more than 26 million barrels.Six European countries together imported 17%, totaling over 18 million barrels.”
South Korea purchased over 6.8 million barrels.
The observatory noted that Iraq sells two typesof crude oil on the global market: medium and heavy. Sales were 77% mediumcrude and 23% heavy crude.
According to the observatory's statistics, thelargest buyer of Iraqi oil in August was the Chinese company Sinopec, followedby the Indian Oil Corporation.
The Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced at the endof August that total oil exports for July exceeded 108 million barrels, basedon final statistics released by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company, SOMO.