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Kurdistan’s Erbil hosts annual Hi Tex with growing appeal

Kurdistan’s Erbil hosts annual Hi Tex with growing appeal
Kurdistan’s Erbil hosts annual Hi Tex with growing appeal

2024-09-03 17:55:05 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The annual Hi Tex exhibition on Tuesday kickedoff in Kurdistan’s capital city, Erbil, attracting investors and enthusiastsfrom the Region, Iraq, and neighboring countries.

"The exhibition represents a leap in the world oftechnology in the Kurdistan Region, reflecting the extent to which it hasentered and is used in various work fields," said Shahyar Kuran, a visitorto the exhibition. "It is a great opportunity for all participatingcompanies."

Aya Mohammed, marketing manager of a participatingtechnology company, echoed Kuran's sentiments, stating, "The participating intelligence is one of the most prominent issues that the exhibition focuseson, as many services are provided using artificial intelligence," Mohammedadded.

The event also provided a platform for young innovators toshowcase their inventions. Orhan Burhan, a young participant representing theRwanga Foundation, said, "I participated in this exhibition by drawing onclothes using advanced electronic techniques. We are part of an initiativelaunched by the Rwanga Foundation to support young people and highlight theirtalents at this exhibition and shed light on them."