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Exclusive: Kurdish Finance Ministry delegation in Baghdad to address salary issues

Exclusive: Kurdish Finance Ministry delegation in Baghdad to address salary issues
Exclusive: Kurdish Finance Ministry delegation in Baghdad to address salary issues

2024-09-16 15:30:05 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Monday, a Kurdishdelegation from the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Region (KRI) arrivedin Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.

Our correspondent reported that thedelegation will meet with relevant parties in the Federal Ministry of Finance “toaddress employees' and pensioners' salary issues and discuss the implementationof the Federal Retirement Law.”

On Saturday, Atwan Al-Atwani, headof the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee, informed Shafaq News Agency that thedelegation will evaluate the agreements between the federal and KurdistanRegional Governments, focusing on the Regional Government's commitments andguarantees for the federal one to disburse the KRI's salaries.

Earlier, the Federal EconomicCouncil visited Erbil to address financial challenges, including employees' salarypayments.

Finance Minister Taif Sami, acouncil member, noted that the joint meeting between the Iraqi and KurdistanEconomic Councils focused on these challenges to find solutions to mutualconcerns.

Notably, employees in the Regionhave faced ongoing delays in monthly salaries for years. The crisis is rootedin financial problems, including the global drop in oil prices and the Kurdishfinancial burden from the fight against ISIS.

Despite the Federal Courtrecognizing Baghdad's obligation to pay salaries regularly, problems withsalary distribution continue, with some attributing them to political ratherthan financial factors.