Baghdad and Erbil establish a Supreme Council to unite industries

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Baghdadand Erbil decided to establish a Supreme Council between the KurdistanFederation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (K-FCCI) and the IraqiFederation of Industries (IFI,) ahead of the unification of industries.
This came during a press conferencein Baghdad to establish a coordination framework between the two federations,attended by the FCCI heads in Erbil, Al-Sulaymaniyah, Duhok, and Halabja, theIFI head, and several members and directors.
Gilan Haji Said, FCCI head in Erbil,the capital of the Kurdistan Region, stated, "Following previous meetingsand the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the K-FCCI and IFI,the joint committees have completed their work and submitted theirrecommendations to the federations."