Leader Barzani and UN envoy address government formation and terrorism threats

Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP)Leader, Masoud Barzani, met with the Special Representative of the UNSecretary-General for Iraq, Mohamed Al-Hassan, to discuss steps aimed atforming the new government terrorism threats.
According to a statement from Barzani's headquarters, themeeting focused on the ongoing political talks and steps taken by the region'spolitical factions to establish the new government and manage affairs duringthese critical times.
Regarding the situation in Syria and the broader region, thetalks centered on the risks of a resurgence of terrorism and extremistideologies. “The possibility of terrorist infiltration from Syria wasidentified as a serious threat that could have repercussions for Iraq and thebroader region,” the statement continued.
Leader Barzani and UN envoy also addressed the importance ofsecurity coordination between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqifederal government on the terrorist infiltration threat.
The statement concluded, “Both parties expressed hope for areturn to calm in Syria, wishing for stability in the country and theresolution of its issues through dialogue and agreements that serve theinterests of the Syrian people.”