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Nechirvan Barzani and Al-Hakim stress the importance of constitutionality in resolving disputes

Nechirvan Barzani and Al-Hakim stress the importance of constitutionality in resolving disputes
Nechirvan Barzani and Al-Hakim stress the importance of constitutionality in resolving disputes

2025-01-13 23:40:24 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani emphasized onMonday, during a meeting with “Wisdom Movement” leader Ammar Al-Hakim, theimportance of adhering to the constitution as the foundation for resolvingdisputes and achieving justice among the country’s components.

The media office of the Kurdistan Region Presidency stated in a pressrelease received by Shafaq News Agency that "Kurdistan Region PresidentNechirvan Barzani met on Monday evening with Ammar Al-Hakim, leader of theNational Wisdom Movement, in Baghdad."

The statement noted that the meeting focused on the importance of enhancingnational understanding among Iraq's political parties and the necessity ofjoint efforts to ensure the participation of all components in the politicalprocess and the governance of the country.

According to the statement, the two sides agreed on "the importance ofadhering to the constitution as a basis for resolving contentious issues andensuring justice among the country’s components."

The statement also emphasized that both parties agreed on "theimportance of uniting efforts to overcome the political and economic challengesfacing the country, with a focus on building a unified vision that supportsstability and progress in Iraq."

Additionally, the media office highlighted that "in another part of themeeting, developments in the region were discussed, and the need to enhancecooperation and coordination among political parties to address the region’simplications on Iraq was affirmed."