Turkish Intelligence “neutralizes” senior PJAK leader in Al-Sulaymaniyah operation

Shafaq News/ Turkish intelligence has successfully “neutralized” Islam Dotkanlou, asenior leader in the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), along with his bodyguardAkam Shahi, also known as “?ivan Çiya,” during a precision operation in Al-Sulaymaniyah,Kurdistan Region, security sources reported onWednesday.
Accordingto the sources, Turkish intelligence identified Dotkanlou’s activities in thePenjwin region of Al-Sulaymaniyah using its intelligence network in Iraq.“Following precise fieldwork, agents confirmed the location of Dotkanlou andhis bodyguard, which led to a successful precision strike that neutralized bothindividuals,” the sources stated.
Turkiyeuses the term “neutralize” to indicate that a member has been killed orcaptured.
Dotkanlou was a high-priority target for Turkishintelligence due to his leadership role in PJAK, the Iranian offshoot of theKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
PJAK, founded in 2004, is both a political andmilitary organization advocating for the autonomy of Kurdish regions in Iran.The group operates primarily from bases in the Qandil Mountains along theIran-Iraq border and is designated a terrorist organization by both Turkiye andIran.
Shahi, Dotkanlou’s bodyguard, was identified as thefounder of the so-called Eastern Kurdistan Defense Units (YRK) and had beenactive in PJAK operations in Iran and Turkiye’s Hakkari Province before fleeingto Al-Sulaymaniyah.