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President Nechirvan Barzani praises Kurdish Resilience, KDP achievements in advancing Kurdistan

President Nechirvan Barzani praises Kurdish Resilience, KDP achievements in advancing Kurdistan
President Nechirvan Barzani praises Kurdish Resilience, KDP achievements in advancing Kurdistan

2024-10-06 21:10:27 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/Kurdish President, Nechirvan Barzani, commended the Kurdish people for theirperseverance in facing hardships, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)achievements in advancing the Kurdistan Region.

Speakingduring an election campaign event in Erbil on Sunday, Barzani, who is also theKDP’s Vice President, said, "Today, we gather under the banner of theKurdistan Democratic Party. The story of the Kurdish people and the KDP areinseparable twins, having stood as a force against oppressive regimes in thepursuit of freedom, democracy, and justice."

Barzaniacknowledged the challenges faced in the past and warned that difficultiesremain ahead. "Our path has not been easy, and we are not free fromproblems now, nor will we be in the near or distant future. This is the courseof life," he said.

He alsonoted that other parties are striving to reach the level of the KDP, adding,"As a party, we have taken Kurdistan to a more advanced stage, and we mustprotect the achievements of the Kurdistan Regional Government since 1992."

According toa decree by President Barzani, parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Regionare scheduled for October 20, 2024.

The electionwill appoint 100 lawmakers to represent the four governorates of IraqiKurdistan: Erbil (34 seats, including one for Christians and one for Turkmen),Halabja (three seats), Al-Sulaymaniyah (38 seats, including one for Christiansand one for Turkmen), and Duhok (25 seats, including one for Christians).

TheKurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), a major political force in the region,governs the Kurdish government and holds significant influence in thegovernorates of Erbil and Duhok. Currently, the KDP holds 45 seats in theparliament, while its main rival, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), has21 seats.